The Passing Presence

THE PASSING PRESENCE For me anyway, Sudden passings (too quick absences) seem to bring about a dizzy rush backwards through my most formative experiences. Am I regressing? No, I don’t think so. I believe it’s a positive means of my advancing forward. Those policing angels who blessedly direct the ebb and flow of my decades of wending this way and that continue to inspire and encourage my movement in mystical ways. It’s nice to dedicate time to wondering about it all? Nice. There’s a sweet and centered steadiness to the word that allows both good and bad to be represented simultaneously in a kind of peaceful almost sweet mix…like the flavors found in a marble cake. A lifetime of of light and dark being married together. Ah, the wondering and the wandering. Speaking of which… Shortly after my college graduation, my friend Jean made a gift to me of a very old edition of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings’ novel, The Sojourner. I just finished my four years of theatre training at Boston University feeing as though my feet or perhaps, being a Pisces, my fins weren’t quite touching the ground. But, I digress… I’d never read anything by Ms. Rawlings before even though I was familiar with two film treatments of other books she’d written; specifically The Yearling and Cross Creek. But, The Sojourner proved to be a timely gift that struck a mysterious and personal chord in its eloquent and simple attempt to define the nature of service, and the often inexplicable gifts it graces us with cumulatively during our lives spent. Coming to New York City was like stepping into a blissfully chaotic and complex lifestyle without my having any of the necessary practical tools to ease-fully support it. Over time, as it pertains to me anyway, I came to understand that practicality can at times act as a creative barrier. There are those unfamiliar paths that risk exploration and reward us by accident. Or is it accidental at all? So, after a rather long hiatus from my Vlog activity here, I hope that you’ll join me once again as I resume my part as a digressing pinball darting my bumpy, flipping way through sundry territories. Moves that may have been chartered by a spring mechanism pulled by some grand master’s hand. It’s all about what you put faith in, right? All the roads I’ll share with you here offer attractions that either led me to or distracted me from what I at least thought were my best intentions. All of them stem, as you might guess, from attempts to root creative thought into grounded action. All of them run around my often critical self observation over these past forty some odd years of stirring the pot. And, as a friend told me recently, if you stir the pot-you gotta lick the spoon. Salient words, indeed. So please stay tuned! There’s a lot to be mined from my personal attractions vault. Having a Virgo rising sign to use as my divining rod, I’ll continue my attempts to part those turbulent chapters in my sojourns here and balance the tidal flow of my more piscatorial tendencies. Sounds like a mouthful of fun! Until next time. Please be well… And remain engaged. Bye bye for now.


Snuggle Under My Christmas Covers


Memories of Matt