Meet John Alban Coughlan

John is the winner of the Kevin Kline Award, the Genesius Award and Edward Albee’s Last Frontier Playwright Conference’s Panelists Choice Award. He wears many creative hats including playwright, screenwriter and Founding Director of three NYC production companies; IncoacT (In The Company Of Actors), C&H Works and Char-Len, A Cottage Industry. His short film, Dollars and Sense was the recipient of the Culver City Grand Prize for the Best Narrative Short of 2020. John Alban Coughlan cherishes the freedom of expression he was provided with while growing up in a small suburb outside of Boston. The support he received from his family and friends was his greatest means of honing the many colors of his craft. At the  age of seventeen, John was cast as Claire in a production of Jean Genet’s The Maids. His transcendental love of theatre stems from this seminal moment in his life. The success that came with performing the play in and outside of Boston in itself provides a colorful volume of experiential anecdotes. 

Audiobooks include How To Speak Southern for Bantam Talking Books and I Am A Man As I Should Be for Audible. His plays include The Side Show Soul, Timberlake, American Pulp and Of Lives And Leaves

John directed Life Reflecting for Stella Productions in the summer of 2020. The film has received two Awards of Merit at La Jolla’s Best Shorts Festival, Honorable Mention at The New York Women in Film and TV Festival (NYWFT),and The Bronze Award at The Spotlight Short Film Festival.

John gratefully acknowledges the extraordinary guidance he received from two exceptional theatre teachers; Mr. Kevin Kynock and Ms. Maxine Klein. Other teachers include Joseph Chaikin, Edward Albee, Lloyd Richards, Ed Bullins, Arnold Wesker, William Young and Gabrielle Roth. Currently, John is Director of Char-Len; A Cottage Industry, a process oriented production company. 

Be well. Stay engaged and informed.